We often find our biggest fears in the unknown areas of life.
Few things can feel as insecure and unknown as the possibility of your child being somewhere on the ASD scale. As a parent who has lived this scenario, we fully understand the questions you have and the “what ifs” which are likely bouncing all around your mind. A brief walk through this article should give you some answers you’re looking for and help set known, solid expectations for you and your amazing young kiddo!
How and where to start this process can feel like a mountainous obstacle.
Shoot, even how and where to start this process can feel like a mountainous obstacle so I hope PediaPlex will be a source of solid direction and realistic guidance as you and your brilliant child face what’s next. Our practice specializes in diagnosing and treating young children with autism and related behavioral disorders. There is no one single test or evaluation which determines ASD, so we use a multi-disciplinary approach to diagnosing children. Your child’s team will consist of a psychologist, occupational therapist, and speech and language pathologist to assess your child’s behavior, speech, social skills, communication, etc. Your input is hugely valuable in the process as you know your child better than anyone!
When it comes time for testing day, take a breath – it will be OK! We are with you every step and have included some DOs and some DON’Ts that will help your child be relaxed and ready. The evaluation period typically lasts from 3-4 hours.
Your kiddo will probably have a great time during the session. He or she may be asked to draw, sing songs, count, write name, complete puzzles, answer questions by choosing answers from an array by pointing, doing memory games. And we can’t emphasize enough how valuable your input is, as a loving parent, to the entire process. Please call our clinic today and we will be happy to share in more detail our approach and learn a little more about your sparkling super-star of a child!
The PediaPlex Family,