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Benefits of Yoga for Kids

Benefits of Yoga for Kids

Benefits of Yoga for Kids

We live in a busy world. There is so much for kids to see and do and so many challenges and rewards they experience on a daily basis. Getting them involved in yoga can be a great way to strengthen their body and mind while also promoting stress relief. September is Yoga Awareness Month and a good time to get started if you haven’t already.

Yoga can calm busy minds and reduce overstimulation. This can be especially important for children with autism and other challenges. By focusing on their breathing and the gentle movement of their bodies, they can refocus their attention to something more calming. This can help them to block out other distractions.

It also enhances balance and coordination which is beneficial for many activities of daily living. Children become more aware of where their body is in space and practice balancing and coordinating certain movements. It may take some practice, but they’ll begin to see improvements.

Yoga can also help kids improve their strength and flexibility. They’re working a variety of different muscles they may never have paid attention to before. This may support work in occupational therapy and other exercises to promote core strength and more fluid movements.

Through practicing yoga, kids may find that they have increased attention and concentration. They must focus on the poses and stretches they are doing, and this attention can carry over into other aspects of their lives. Also, calming their mind and reducing stress may allow them to focus better. They become more in tune with their body-mind connection.

Yoga may be a positive complement to the work that your child is doing at PediaPlex and help support their success and progress. It can also be a healthy way to keep them active and engaged in physical activity.

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