Flunking in Sports? As if.

Being bad at sports, but still enjoying the game. Being good at a sport and hating it is one thing, but being bad at a sport and loving it with all your might is something completely different.

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Being bad at sports, but still enjoying the game.

Being good at a sport and hating it is one thing, but being bad at a sport and loving it with all your might is something completely different. Take the relationship between me and Tennis; I was awful at it but I still played because I enjoyed it. The primary reason I continued to play wasn’t because I desired to be the best, but because I wanted to have fun. In fact, I had so much fun that I didn’t even notice how bad I was! That’s how a lot of kids are. They just want to have fun and enjoy the time they spend playing the sport.

Mom and Dad, give your kids a chance to enjoy a sport like all the other kids. Even if they don’t have the physical capability or natural talent to play a sport, maybe they simply want to have that wonderful feeling of actually being a part of something they believe is fun. My parents gave me a shot, so why don’t you give your kids a shot, too?

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