Meet the Fun and Wonderful Karen!

Happy Better Hearing and Speech Month! Since the month of May is dedicated to all of the amazing speech therapists out there, we wanted to recognize one of our own for our staff spotlight this month.

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Picture of Karen the ABA therapist

Happy Better Hearing and Speech Month! Since the month of May is dedicated to all of the amazing speech therapists out there, we wanted to recognize one of our own for our staff spotlight this month. Meet the fun and wonderful Karen!

About Karen

Karen is a Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP) here at PediaPlex and has been with us since January of 2018. She started here as speech student and then worked in our ABA Therapy program as a behavior therapist while she was finishing up school. In July of 2018 she transitioned into her(favorite) role as a Speech-Language Pathologist with us. Karen wanted to become a SLP because she wanted to help others communicate and advocate for their wants, needs, preferences, and achieve social closeness. “I love that Speech-Language Pathology allows me to make a difference in the everyday lives of my clients and their families. I have always been a self-professed science nerd and Speech-Language Pathology allows me to combine my two passions, helping people and science.”

About Karen

Karen’s favorite part about working at PediaPlex is being surrounded by a group of innovated and devoted professionals, who are all working towards the same goal, providing excellent care to each and every client. She says that “the collaboration and support they give me and our clients is irreplaceable. I’m so thankful to be a part of this team!”

Some fun facts about Karen are that she has her motorcycle license and was able to ride a motorcycle before she knew how to ride a bike! Her two sweet doggies, Mila and Conrad, are rescue dogs. She loves to watch any and all Oklahoma State University sports!

What is a SLP?

SLP stands for Speech-Language Pathologist. Pediatric Speech-Language Pathologists work to help children communicate effectively by assisting with the improvement of their verbal and non-verbal language skills, including producing the sounds in words, understanding and use of language, use of social language skills, and alternative and augmentative communication (AAC). But they also help with things like feeding and swallowing abilities, stuttering, Childhood Apraxia of Speech, and voice. Pediatric Speech-Language Pathologists work with children of all ages, from newborns to teenagers, to help with all these skills.

Each May, we take the month to recognize all the wonderful Speech-Language Pathologists all over the world! We want to thank you all for your incredible work and for taking the time to teach and build up these kiddos skills! You are all amazing!

If you’re interested in finding out more about Speech Therapy at PediaPlex, visit our website or call us today!

-The PediaPlex Family

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